Windows or Pages?


With Wise J you have a choice of using Windows or Pages

VWG essentially encouraged the use of a single main form onto which you switched user controls in and out to provide the functionality you needed.

Before I embark on building quite a large app I want to make the right basic choices.

What the advantages / disadvantages of using Windows instead of Pages?

Can a user control be constructed using either?

What is best approach to use with Wise J?


For your help


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I’d say that Pages and Windows are not alternative to each other. It depends on the design of your app. For  a new app I’d use either a Page for the main screen and windows for modal dialogs. Or a maximized mdi (not closable or resizable) with mdi children.

I don’t understand the question about user controls being constructed using pages or windows. A user control is a control that can be used anywhere.

This is an example of a landing Page


Followed by a themed Mdi with mdi children


  • Tobias
    Dear Luca, I’m trying to create a UI like your screenshots for a long time now. Is this a sample which can be downloaded somewhere ?
  • Luca (ITG)
    Don’t have a sample. This is a large app with a custom theme being worked on by the guys and girls at fecher – I can put you in contact with them if you need their services. Which part of the UI do you need? The bar to the left is just a docked panel. The DGV supports child rows and html. The top tabs are an MDI form with child forms. The form menu is hidden and moved to the tab in custom javascript. The tree on the left is a customized and themed TreeView.
  • Thomas (ITG)
    Short update on this: There is a new Extension in Wisej, called NavigationBar. The panel on the left hand side can be easily built with the NavigationBar control. Check out the details and a sample here:
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Hi Ewan,

As a personal note I would say it’s your choice. I made a few sample applications you can see and run on WinForms/Wisej Samples. I had the same question. As the main application workspace, on some of the samples I used Page while on others I used a maximized unmovable Window.

On CslaSample I have two versions, one for each scenario. Anyway what I have on the main application workspace is a panel where I load controls. You can load controls directly without a panel, but that’s an MVVM thing, well… Caliburn.Micro’s to be more precise. This can be done with either Page or Window. No differences here.

There is a 3rd scenario – use a desktop with several applications. In this case, applications should be Window applications because that’s easier to handle. And I think this answers my question. For multiple applications, I would use a desktop. For a simgle application I would use a Page application because it’s cleaner and I see no pros on having a maximized unmovable window.

Provided your application workspace is just a host for controls, this is a design decision you can change later, as you don’t need to change the controls. Changing from one scenario to the other is just a question of adapting the Window to the Page or vv.

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You can have a look at UI Containers sample in Examples.

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Hi again Ewan,

For a Desktop with mutiple applications, have a look at the CodeProject sample.

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