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Recently opened and closed bugs. Limited to 30.
open#3483 Creating a ListViewItem in the designer may serialize BackColor, ForeColor and Font when not changed.3.5.18
open#3482 Error occurs when attempting to drag control into TableLayoutPanel
closed#3481 FileSystemProvider - UNC Path is mapped to Project Path.3.5.17
closed#3480 FileSystemProvider - Loading subdirectories and files is broken and not accurate on Linux.3.5.17
closed#3479 FileSystemProvider - Deleting a directory recursively doesn't work.3.5.17
closed#3478 Using EditOnEnter in a DataGridView can fire RowValidating event multiple times3.5.17
closed#3477 Wisej Hybrid error: "ExecuteScriptAsync failed because a valid CoreWebView2 is not present" when closing window3.5.17
closed#3476 BarcodeReader extension wont automatically read barcodes when the camera control is created and assigned programmatically.3.5.17
closed#3475 Moving a tree node does not restore its selection.3.5.17
closed#3474 SelectedText in a Textbox contains an additional linefeed3.5.17
closed#3473 Creating a DataRepeater, setting VirtualMode and ItemCount results in error3.5.17
closed#3471 Chat control shows empty message when changing position in datasource.3.5.17
closed#3469 SplitterWidth property not working when Orientation is set to Vertical3.5.17
closed#3468 PictureBox with normal sizeMode and SVG sets incorrect background position3.5.17
closed#3467 Applying padding programmatically to pictureBox sets background-position3.5.17
closed#3464 Using LabelWrapper on a UserComboBox can lead to a wrong width of the DropDownControl3.5.16
closed#3463 DataRepeater binding ignores DataSourceUpdateMode.Never and ControlUpdateMode.Never.3.5.16
closed#3462 DataRepeater updates the data source when leaving a control without editing.3.5.16
closed#3460 DateTimePicker.ParseEditText can be called on every keystroke when subscribing to KeyDown event3.5.15
closed#3456 Tapping a SplitButton MenuItem propagates the "MouseClick" event to any control beneath them (Mobile only)3.5.15
closed#3455 ListView column with image has wrong width3.5.15
closed#3454 DataGridView may show the wrong rows when sorting while downloading a page while scrolling.3.5.15
closed#3453 DataRepeater doesn't update a DataTable source when leaving the control3.5.15
closed#3452 Responsive profile is not applied to MDI children on startup 3.5.15
closed#3451 FullCalendar can't be used with EmbedIO Android because of conflicting "Resource" classes.3.5.15
closed#3450 Calling Camera.GetImage() after changing the CaptureHeight / CaptureWidth doesn't work when part of the same request.3.5.15
closed#3449 Responsive Profiles are not applied to child MDI windows.3.5.15
closed#3448 When DataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false it still selects the first row when populating with a DataSource.3.5.15
closed#3447 SelectedIndex and SelectedValue can be wrong on ListViewComboBox3.5.15
closed#3445 ChartJS3 extension cannot set the title color.3.5.15

New Features

Recently added and closed new features. Limited to 30.
open#3436 Add AllowMarkdown next to AllowHtml to support markdown formatting in all text controls.4.0.0
open#3434 Add Application.Services.AddOrReplaceService() and overloads.4.0.0
open#3316 Replace GDI+ usage with our new System.Drawing.Managed (ImageSharp) assembly.4.0.0
open#3315 Implement .NET Core out-of-proc designers.4.0.0
open#3314 Add zooming support to the designer.4.0.0
closed#3277 Extend ErrorProvider to fire the ErrorChanged event and allow overriding of its core methods.3.5.0
closed#3186 Add method chaining support to all controls.3.5.0
closed#3185 Add specialized constructors to all controls.3.5.0
closed#3132 Preserve the full URL when switching to the offline pages and back online.3.2.0
closed#3106 Add ValidationExtender with validation rule support and extender IErrorProvider support.3.2.0
closed#3090 Add ViewModel base class to support the new built-in MVVM pattern.wontfix3.2.0
closed#3089 Add ContainerControl.DataContext to support the new built-in MVVM pattern.wontfix3.2.0
closed#3088 Allow TooolBarButton to use data binding.3.2.0
closed#3087 Add ToolBarButton.Command to allow a toolbar button to bind to an ICommand property.3.2.0
open#3085 Implement the new TaskDialog system.
closed#3084 Add MenuItem.Command to allow MenuItem to bind to an ICommand property.3.2.0
closed#3083 Allow MenuItem to use data binding.3.2.0
open#3065 Implement Wisej.Web.Ext.ToolStrip extension.
closed#2980 Add NumericTextBox and DateTimeTextBox controls.3.1.1
closed#2976 Integrate F1 code help with our api docs in code editor.3.1.1
open#2975 Enable help button on all designer editors linked to the relevant docs page.
closed#2974 New tiny tool icons in designer property grid: reset, data bound, responsive, localizable.3.1.1
closed#2859 Option to load a custom Default.json for multi-tenant provisioning and custom URLs.2.5.26
closed#2810 Add ILabel, IModified, IImage, IReadOnly interfaces to normalize common features.3.0.8
closed#2809 Add callback to Application.Download methods to be invoked when the file or stream has been sent to the client.3.0.8
closed#2697 Include TaskBar control from the extensions to use the newer properties.Wisej 2.5
closed#2696 Add Desktop.TaskbarAlignment to align the items Left, Middle, Right similar to Windows 11.Wisej 2.5
closed#2695 Add Application.ClientId and Application.Clients to identify a specific client and get a list of all clients.Wisej 2.5
closed#2599 Add support for frozen rows to the DataGridView.Wisej 2.5
closed#2598 Merge the summary extension into the DataGridView control.Wisej 2.5


Recently added and closed enhancements. Limited to 30.
closed#3466 Add Application.Referrer, similar to Application.ServerName, to preserve the original referring URL.3.5.17
closed#3465 Add StartIn parameter to ClientFileSystem Extension3.5.16
closed#3459 Upgrade JustGage extension to use the latest version3.5.15
closed#3458 A textbox that is bound to a nullable value does not allow to be empty when it had a text before3.5.15
closed#3457 Add HttpOnly flag to Wisej.Base.Cookie with documented limitations3.5.15
open#3441 Add event for Device.BackButtonPressed on Hybrid Android
closed#3437 Add support for IANA datetime offset to DateTime.ToClientTime() to support different client time zones.3.5.12
closed#3435 Add Application.Services.HasService() to check if a service is registered without instantiating it.3.5.12
closed#3428 Add property to change the default separator (now a comma) for the CheckedListBox.Text property.3.5.11
closed#3420 Throw ArgumentNullException when trying to pass null into defaultValue parameter of Device.Preferences.Get()3.5.11
closed#3417 Add VersionCheck property to CKEditor extension to suppress Security Warning raised by CKEditor3.5.10
closed#3416 Update CKEditor extension to use CKEditor version
closed#3414 Changed email validation rule to allow for more variants3.5.9
closed#3406 Make Application.User writable to allow an application to install a custom authorization scheme.3.5.8
closed#3398 Allow the ErrorProvider to use any ScrollableControl as the bounding parent.3.5.7
closed#3393 Add async/await support in Wisej.NET dynamic JavaScript minifier.3.5.7
closed#3390 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoGenerateColumns" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3389 Added new AppContext switch "DataGridViewAutoSelectFirstRow" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3388 Added new AppContext switch "LabelSelfSize" (default=true)3.5.6
closed#3387 Added new AppContext switch "FormAutoCloseModalDialog" (default=false)3.5.6
closed#3382 DataGridView - Add support for vertical scrollbars when limiting the autosized width. 3.5.6
closed#3372 Add AutoCompleteMode.FilterAnywhere to Wisej.Web.ComboBox and renamed AppendFilter to FilterAppend.3.5.6
closed#3370 Detect "Sending operation already in progress" when using multiple threads to update the UI concurrently.3.5.6
closed#3369 Prevent Application.Update() from dead locking a session if the application use server side threads with cross locking blocks.3.5.6
closed#3368 Security: Add new "validateResources" setting in Default.json to ensure that file downloads, or any resource request is coming from the browser that is using the application.3.5.5
closed#3363 Add MenuPopup and MenuCollapse events for Button and SplitButtons with MenuItems.3.5.5
closed#3362 Enhance TimeUpDown with mask features.3.5.5
closed#3361 Add support for the Filter to the MaskedTextBox control.3.5.5
closed#3358 Add FileName property to PdfViewer.3.5.5
closed#3356 Add overload Control.AddState(state, forward) to forward the state to the child controls.3.5.6