Do you get an error or it forces you to update to the latest build?
I didn’t get any messages. I went to Control Panel -> Uninstall Program -> right-click WiseJ Web -> Change/Uninstall -> Remove – Finish.
I wanted to have a clean install because I noticed that when I updated from 1.2.10 -> 1.2.11, theme files located in C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Wisej\Themes are still dated 5/29/2016 but according to Frank’s announcement here, all themes have been updated due to WJ-7366.
Running the installer (wisej.exe) -> Remove did the trick. IceTeaGroup folder under Program Files was totally deleted but WiseJ folder under C:\Users\<User Name>\Documents\Wisej is still there. Only the Project under WiseJ has been removed.
The themes in user/documents are copied in there by the ThemeBuilder as a reference the first time it runs since you can’t change the built-in themes (they are embedded resources). The installer doesn’t use that folder. Which is probably wrong. You can delete the files and the ThemeBuilder will copy the new ones.
We’ll make the installer save and update those files for the next update. Sorry about the confusion.
Hi Luca,
That’s how I did it. Deleted the Wisej folder in User\Docoments folder and ran the installer.
You have nothing to be sorry about. We are trying to make this framework to be user-friendly by notifying you of any bugs or unusual behavior.
Hi Luca,
I just noticed now that after uninstalling and reinstalling, WiseJ controls in VS 2015 Toolbox are all duplicated. It means that they were not removed during uninstallation and have to do a reset.
I saw that happening from time to time. But we have little control over the toolbox. I have to see if the installer can try to run a toolbox reset.