Hello, what is the equivalent of System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.InvalidateCell(cell index, row index) in Wisej.Web.DataGridView ?
I need this method but i do not found them.
You can’t paint wisej controls like winforms controls, they are server-only components. They are rendered on the client as javascript widgets that create dom elements – like all javascript libraries.
However, Wisej supports custom painting in controls and cells. See the custom painted cell sample and codeproject in /examples.
InvalidateCell is not needed, but if you need an empty method for compatibility reasons, you can extend the DGV class and add a void method.
The ToolStrip set of components is not implemented in Wisej.
There is an introductory paper about migrating WinForms to Wisej here: https://wisej.com/blog/winform-to-wisej-migration-white-paper/
I need to reply a DGVFilterPopUp into a Wisej project, but a most function aren’t present and can’t do it.
Example some function that need : ToolStripDropDown, ToolStripControlHost, DataGridView.GetCellDisplayRectangle(collIndex, rowIndex), DataGridView.InvalidateCell(colIndex, rowIndex), also the mthods of DataGridViewCellPaintEventArgs.
Is there any possibility to integrate it in some future?
We don’t have it. What do you need it for?
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