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1 vote

Hi Tuan,

this has been fixed in Wisej.NET 3.5.6 that was just released.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Tiziana,

SortGlyphDirection can only be visible on one column, that’s how it’s designed.
If you need more than one image in a header cell you can also implement it with a UserControl or a Panel,
remembering you can put any control inside a header cell:





Of course you need to handle all the icons etc. in your code.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Rupert,

Thank you for reporting this issue, unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue, can you please give us the exact steps ?

Also, it would be great if you can wrap up a sample that closely mimics your DataGridView.

Best Regards,


0 votes

Hi Frank, I’ve implemented the SortComparer and it works.

My issue lies specifically in displaying the sorting symbol in the DataGridView control. For each column, there’s a property called column.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection which should show the sorting symbol correctly.

The problem is that I can only assign one symbol at a time because when I assign it to a second column, the symbol for the first one disappears.

I thought about using the control’s image field, but in some cases, I’m already using it for other purposes.

Is there a possibility, perhaps with an option on the control, to prevent the sorting symbol of one column from disappearing if I assign it to another? I’ll handle it programmatically if needed.

Best Regards


0 votes

Hi Tiziano,

while you can sort by multiple columns with implementing your SortComparer,
you will have to show custom images in the header cells reflecting the sort status.
A visual display of multi column sorting is not supported out of the box.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Cristian,

Wisej.NET just uses HTML5 video tag on the client thus a looping video should be automatically cached on the client for subsequent views.
Maybe you’ve disabled the cache somewhere? In any case it’s out of the Wisej.NET scope.

Best regards

0 votes

When running on localhost, Wisej does not check for a server license (thus the lack of an error when running on localhost). If you are getting the “Invalid license” error, make sure that you have entered the license key in the web.config file.

You can also try these trouble-shooting steps:

If none of that works, contact us at with your license key and we can check that the license key is valid. (You’ll have to email support because it’s not wise to post the key on a public forum.)

Hope this helps,



0 votes

It may be that the distribution is the same as but many sites open, the only Wisej does not.
I already purchased the Developer license and also wrote it above, what should I do to get help?

0 votes

Hi Francesco,

deploying Wisej.NET applications is not much different from ASP.NET deployment.
You can find some pointers here:

An old forum thread about Aruba here:

For direct support licensing you’d need to purchase an enterprise license:

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Fahad,

without knowing your code we cannot judge what might go wrong here.
Please provide a compilable sample and we can take a closer look at it.

Best regards

0 votes

Hello Peter,

You’re using a Server license instead of a Developer license.

A Developer License is required to use Wisej.NET with Visual Studio, the Server License is required when deploying your application.

Please check out our license documentation website for more information!

Best regards,


0 votes

Hello Carl,

I could not reproduce, can you please provide us with a running small sample that demonstrates this issue?

Best regards,


0 votes

Hello Carl,

To answer your questions, every Wisej.NET component can be customized using Themes or Mixins.

A mixin basically overrides all instances of a deisgnated control, it would appear exactly the same across any theme you choose.

Either that, or you can have a custom theme tailored to your needs.

The default themes could be found under Documents/Wisej/Themes.

Every component has a default AppearanceKey that could be set to a custom one, for example you can have an appearance of a button (default is “button”) and have one that’s called “buttonOK”, in this case you can use that appearance one time instead of multiple.

For better information about the theming capabilities of Wisej.NET, please head over to

As for your other question:
“So, why does one grid honor the style (which must be set by the built-in theme, I’m assuming) while the other does not? The grid that does not honor the alternate style actually appears to have no style at all – selected rows are painted exactly the same as unselected rows.”

We can’t know for sure unless you provide us with a small runnable sample.

Best regards,



0 votes

Halo Nicky Suwandi are you from indonesia ?

0 votes

The FullCalendar is avalaible on Nuget up to 3.5.5 version and of-course as source code on Wisej GitHib Extension repository.

0 votes

Hi Francesco, with Community Edition (and so with Standard Edition) you have 3 editors, CKEditor, TinyEditor and TinyMCE  as Free Extension you can download from Nuget or as source-code from Wisej GitHub repositories.
What do you intend when write “I can’t use it for privacy reasons?”. The edited text can be saved on your server where you store your other data, even in an encrypted form.

0 votes

Hi Francesco, you can try to port the Tulep Notification Windows Forms project to Wisej following the guidelines on Migration.
Follow the guide for Old Project format (so basically change references from System.Windows.Forms to Wisej.Web) and change/adapt code for missing methods/properties).

Using this approach i have ported to Wisej some Windows Forms components (eg: the XQBEForm and the XQBEReport of Passero Framework)


0 votes
In reply to: Hidden MessageBox

Hello Francesco,

The issue lies within this line:
DialogResult oRes = MessageBox.Show(new Form() { TopMost = true },

You’re assigning a new form as the owner, you shouldn’t do that.

If you want to assign an owner, pass the parent control, it should be DialogResult oRes = MessageBox.Show(this,”Ok”,MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

Or you can simply ommit the owner parameter.

Best regards,


0 votes

“created a UserControl (let’s call it UC1) – added a timer on it (via toolbox)”- this is the issue- the timer can’t be added to a specific control. Adding the timer in the designer doesn’t mean that the timer is tied to the UserControl.

Here’s the Timer documentation, you will find this useful:

I would recommend creating the timer via code when the UserControl is created, ie: Timer timer1 = new Timer();

Dispose of the timer when the UserControl is disposed of. Attach an event handler to the Disposed event of the UserControl ( When the event fires, dispose of the timer. The code for this is timer1.Dispose(); (Assuming you used the default name for the timer.)

0 votes

Your code is wrong in some way. A Timer cannot be a child of any control-so that’s why it’s not being disposed of when your custom control is. Use the designer and add a timer from the toolbox, then check the Designer.cs file to see the correct way to add a container for components. You will need to dispose of the timer explicitly via code.

If this does not fully answer your question, please provide a sample, following the guidelines under “Before Posting an Issue”” and we will take a look at it.

  • Julie (ITG) answered Apr 25, 2024 - 6:07 pm
  • last active Apr 25, 2024 - 6:16 pm
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