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0 votes

Hi Francesco,

Can you please attach the test case here?

Best Regards,

0 votes

Hi Fransesco,

When I checked out the deployed web app, the ribbonbar appears exactly the same as your attached picture.

Best Regards,

  • Alaa (ITG) answered Dec 4, 2024 - 4:30 pm
  • last active Dec 4, 2024 - 4:34 pm
0 votes

Hi Francesco,

We offer 2 types of templates, the old .NET Framework only projects, and the newer .NET SDK project formats that support targeting multiple framework versions.

In your case, it would be better to go with the projects that target .NET Framework 4.8 only.

Best Regards,

0 votes
In reply to: Free Extensions

Here they are

Best regards

0 votes
In reply to: Free Extensions

You can see them in the demo browser:

Best regards

0 votes
In reply to: Free Extensions

Hi Francesco,

RibbonBar is a free extension for everyone. Full calendar integration is free as well but if you want to use its full feature set you need to purchase a license from its vendor. We provide integrations but license fees might still apply. Please always check the vendors terms.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Adrian,

please use Application.Uri it should contain the full query string that you can then parse.

Best regards

0 votes

the event handlers are ok.

To reproduce the problem (because you cannot simulate the API I call): Try a new project with an empty form and add just add in Main

Application.ApplicationRefresh += Application_ApplicationRefresh


private static void Application_ApplicationRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(“Application_ApplicationRefresh:\n” + Application.Url);

Next, with the application running, go to address bar in the browser and add to it /?code=13 to existing address and hit enter.

You will see that the event triggers, but in Application.Url there is no code=13.

0 votes

What is the problem that persists?

You can attach event handlers. I don’t know what overwriting an event means.

All the parameters are all available in Url, Uri, StartupUrl, StartupUri and QueryString. See api docs for Application properties.

If you still need more details attach a small runnable fully contained project that shows what you are trying to do.

0 votes

I tried with both events, just Application.ApplicationRefresh is called, but as I told you, the Application.Url does not contains the code. See attached printscreen.

The code is:

private static void Application_ApplicationRefresh(object sender, EventArgs e)
Log(“Application_ApplicationRefresh:” + Application.Url);
MessageBox.Show(“Application_ApplicationRefresh:\n” + Application.Url);

  • Adrian Zagar answered Dec 1, 2024 - 2:14 pm
  • last active Dec 1, 2024 - 2:15 pm
0 votes

Hi Adrian,

I don’t think I fully understood what you want to achieve.
Do you want to persist the parameters p1 and p2 that you receive when your application is launched?
If yes, just store them into your session.

For ApplicationRefresh and ApplicationHashChanged, they are regular .NET events and you can subscribe to them
like you would for any other event.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Frank, thank you for answering.

Now I detect that change in Page.Appear event, not very elegant, but it’s called. Problem is that Application.Url replace the part I need. Instead of “https://myaddress/?code=somecode” (that can be seen on browser address) I get https://myaddress/?_sc=something. I presume that Wisej replaces real parameters with that _sc, probably to retrieve my session. So, up until now, the single point where I can get the real parameters from calling http is on Program.Main.

So the problem persists.

As a bonus, please instruct me how to overwrite events ApplicationRefresh or ApplicationHashChanged.

0 votes

Hi Adrian,

you might want to check out the events ApplicationRefresh or ApplicationHashChanged and query the Application.Url property.

Best regards

0 votes

i used the property
Public Class FrmMain
Private Sub FrmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Application.EnableUnloadConfirmation = True
End Sub

End Class

And it succeeded in notifying when the user closes the browser, however, I want to execute additional command after the user selects Leave and exits the browser, which method should I call? Please help

0 votes
In reply to: License error

Well the problem disappeared after building the next docker image.  The only thing I can think of is I was adding SCP/SSH to the app, which is still in there so I don’t know.

0 votes

We are running into a similar issue, but it persists even after upgrading to 3.5.12. Was there anything else I needed to do to correct this problem?

0 votes
In reply to: License error

Hi Granger,

Does the container have unrestricted access to the internet?

Can you verify if the web.config file is present inside the container?

Make sure that it’s web.config, not web.Release.config or web.Debug.config, if they are present inside the container please delete them.

Best Regards,

0 votes

Hi Rabeeh,

Would be able to state the Wisej.NET version and write a small, reproducible sample?

Best Regards,

0 votes

Hi Nhan,

We also have Application.EnableUnloadConfirmation that you can use.

Best Regards,


0 votes

Hi Nhan,

You can call this in Program.cs:

Application.Eval(@”window.addEventListener(‘beforeunload’, (event) => {
// Set the returnValue property to display a confirmation dialog
event.preventDefault(); // Some browsers require this call
event.returnValue = ”; // A string value is required in some browsers

Best Regards,

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