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0 votes

Actually I have been a software developer for the past 30 years, in the 90s I used Foxpro, then vb and, everything was great with and winform, fast application design and easy to understand language, I don’t know why then everything switched to webform, I was quite confused because the user interface design of webform was quite complicated but anyway I tried to handle it. Everything was bad since VMC was launched and then blazor, react… agula… made me helpless and almost gave up thinking about writing web-based applications.
Luckily, this year I was introduced to wisej by a friend, everything was great, it only took me 3 months to convert all winform applications to web. For the first time I was eager to have the feeling of web programming like winform, very friendly and fast UI design, drag and drop style of controls brought a great experience.
Hopefully in the next version, wisej will invest more in features for Datagrid such as grouping columns, grouping rows … and filtering data directly in the grid.
Wish you more and more development.

0 votes

Hello Alaa,

Thank you for your previous response. I understand now that key events like KeyDown and KeyUp don’t propagate to the container by default.

Though I would still like to capture KeyDown events globally at the form level for a specific use case: I need to handle input from a barcode scanner. The scanner is configured to send a sequence of characters with a prefix and suffix that identify the input as coming from the scanner. I want to capture this entire sequence at the form level, regardless of which control has focus (e.g., TextBox, ComboBox, etc.). I could attach an event handler to a KeyDown event for every control, but this approach seems inefficient, since it would be difficult to maintain in an app with many controls.

How can I capture KeyDown events globally in Wisej.NET, so that I can detect and process the characters coming from the barcode scanner (including its configured prefix and suffix)?

Thank you.

Best regards,

0 votes

Got it – but is the WiseJ integration then full integration of what they offer?

0 votes

Hi Edmond,

We don’t provide any support for third party controls / widgets, it’s best to check Syncfusion’s documentation for their PDFViewer!

Best Regards,


0 votes

Hi Zan,

The KeyUp and KeyDown events don’t propagate to the container, what you’re experiencing is the correct behavior in Wisej.NET!

Best Regards,


0 votes
In reply to: Text Box Autocomplete

Hi Jun,

Could you please record a video?

This seems like an issue with the latency between the client and the server.

If you could also wrap up a small sample with steps to reproduce!

Best Regards,

0 votes

Hi Jun,

Could you please record a video?

This seems like an issue with the latency between the client and the server.

If you could also wrap up a small sample with steps to reproduce!

Best Regards,

0 votes

Hi Nhan,

Please follow the sample attached to this answer.

Best Regards,

1 vote

Hi Adrian,

you need to change the WrapContents of your FlowLayoutPanel to false, then it should all work like you’d expected it.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Frank,

You are fast for sure!

Your modified project (and initially mine with the modification indicated by you) looks the same as the original one (well, maybe the padding is increased a little bit). I can give you a link to the site if you want to test on a mobile. I don’t know if I should write the link here, as it is my test server.

0 votes

Hi Adrian,

thanks for the sample. You should remove Dock=Fill from all your child elements and instead anchor them to Top, Left and Right.
See modified sample.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Frank,

I attached a (very basic) sample project that perfectly reproduce my problem. I also uploaded two screenshots. As you can see, on landscape the last 2 textboxes are (probably) in the upper right corner and the buttons are not shown.

Thank you,


0 votes

Hi Adrian,

please attach a compilable and runnable test application, then we can take a closer look at it.

Best regards

0 votes

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your answer. The situation is quite different. In your scenario, you set the combos and textboxes width and Dock=None, and set fixed size of flowLayoutPanel.

In my case, I tried that:

  • flowLayoutPanel: Dock=fill (to use all space available in portrait/landscape)
  • All combos and textboxes has Dock=fill (to use all available width of flowLayoutPanel). I presume that flowDirection=TopDown means one control on each “row”.

Trying to add your code on my page resulted in a total mess, especially when returning from landscape to portrait (see attached screenshots). If possible, direct me how to obtain that goal: all controls width=screen width and vertical scroll if necessary, on both portrait and landscape.

Thank you!

0 votes

Hi Adrian
I hope that my sample code could help you

Just add code for the Page event ClientSizeChange and check the main page With property

I also atach the code sample



  • Paul answered Oct 7, 2024 - 8:26 pm
0 votes

I installed wisej barcode and wisej camera extensions but still can’t do it

Tried the solution to integrate html into webbrowser but only activates the camera but cannot read qr code

0 votes

I solved it myself, you have to update every single project, the extension update doesn’t work.

0 votes

Hi Frank,

It took me some time, but I found that you for sure have ASP.NET controls’ wrapper.

The solution is:

Kind regards,


  • mgmst answered Oct 1, 2024 - 4:27 pm
0 votes

So, with the help of ChatGPT-01 I was able to get everything working! It was quite the journey and I barely understand what’s going on and why it works.

Perhaps this might be a nice Example on your documentation page? (Browser Extension example). I could provide you with a basic sample for each step needed and all you have to do is validate/improve it.


Anyway, I’ve attached the new source code of the WiseJ project. It has Page1 which checks if the extension is installed and the button launches the nativeApp via de extension. I bought a new server lisence so I could test with the latest WiseJ build. This seems to need version 3.5.11 and up.

If you have any tips that’d be great to hear!

0 votes

A bit of additional context:

The browser extension injects contentScipt.js when the browser navigates to a specific url. In this case localhost.

The button on the index.html file tells the browser extension to start the nativeApp (consoleApp.exe) and relays the messages from that app.

The NativeApp (consoleApp.exe) only replies once. “No card reader found” or the scanned Card UID or any error. After either the ConsoleApp.exe closes.

  • vincent_ answered Sep 30, 2024 - 9:46 am
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