I used Wisej.Web.DataGridViewCell.Control property to insert a textbox in column header of datagridview.
I used the following code:
GRD.Columns(1).HeaderCell.Control = t
Where GRD is my datagridview and t is the textbox.
Everything works correctly but the text inside the textbox is not editable.
I can modify text only by code but not by keyboard.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hi Alex,
The purpose is just to use custom filters for each column.
In windows form I have created a custom datagridview with this feature.
The idea is to dock the textbox on bottom of the header and adjust the height depending on whether or not the filters are displayed.
What is the purpose of having a textbox as a header? I can’t imagine a scenario (may be a filter? – but that would be under the header, wouldn’t it?) and i’m always very intersted in new ideas for user interface.
Hi Angelo,
thanks, I could reproduce and have logged issue WJ-8354 for it.
We´ll inform you when a fix is available.
Best regards
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