[SOLVED] Wisej.Mobile - how will it work?

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Hi Luca,

I’m involved in a Xamarin/Android project and very interested on alternatives for Android projects.

How will Wisej.Mobile work? Apps will use WebView and PhoneGap/Cordova?

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Best Answer

Hi Tiago,

The foundation is the communication layer (client, server, events, state, diffing), session management, component management, designer rendering, and all the base classes in Wisej.Core.dll and Wisej.Core.Design.dll. Wisej.Mobile.Control class will have Wisej.Base.ControlBase as the base class, which extends the single WinForms class (we don’t use any subset of winforms controls) that we use at design time for the designer. Data binding is also shared from Wisej.Core.




  • greg harnach
    Any updates on wisej mobile? thanks, gh
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What is the status of the wisej mobile project? Is there a beta available? I am in need of it!!



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How can I start a new Mobile project?

Where can I select the Wisej.Mobile?

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Jan 21, 2017 - 10:16 pm
    It’s not available yet. It will be in beta or pre-beta in April.
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Hi Luca,

This thread is really important for us at HRTMS.

Do you have any idea on the time frame for a mobile offering?  We are looking at Angular 2.0 as an alternative, but really like the productivity of your tool.

Its a such a difficult decision since we are unsure of your timeline.

Thanks in advance,

Mitch Stephens

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Jan 3, 2017 - 5:10 pm
    We should have an alpha or early beta in April. I’ll keep you posted.
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Hi Alex,

The equivalent of APK for iOS are .ipa (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10808451/what-is-the-equivalent-of-apk-in-ios).

Another very important note on Android development: popups are shown asynchronously, meaning code execution continues after showing the popup (if your code shows 3 popups, the latest one will be on top). VWG did work like that on pre version 7.

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Hi Alex,

1) WebView is like the windows forms WebBrowser control. As you can read on https://developer.android.com/guide/webapps/webview.html

“If you want to deliver a web application (or just a web page) as a part of a client application, you can do it using WebView. The WebView class is an extension of Android’s View class that allows you to display web pages as a part of your activity layout. It does not include any features of a fully developed web browser, such as navigation controls or an address bar. All that WebView does, by default, is show a web page.”

2) The end product of Wisej.Mobile is an APK that includes a WebView. A WebView can do one of two things: load its content from an URL or  can include JavaScript that controls your Android application. I don’t know whether Wisej.Mobile allows for both options.

3) According to Luca’s previous answers, Wisej.Mobile is like Wisej.Web but using mobile controls instead of web controls.

4) Yes, just like any other APK.

5) Not as soon as we all want 😉

If you must go for native developement, be prepared:

  • have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history
  • ask for specific targets OS levels (I found BIG differences between KitKat and Lollipop)
  • ask for specific target devices (you will find resolution is totally unrelated to device size)
  • ask to have target devices available so you can test when you want/need (test early, test a lot)
  • do not use emulators, but use real devices
  • spend a lot of time understanding how to design for different size and resolution
  • spend some time understanding the lifecycle (again test a lot)
  • spend time understading themes
  • spend more time exploring components – Android API is pretty naked. You need to use components for a lot of features you would deemed basic, like percentage sizes or autosize “labels”
  • do believe your eyes when a device doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do (I have a Crown tablet that doesn’t allow to select the maximum date on the DatePicker)

Estimate time as you would do for a Wisej.Web project, then multiply by… it depends on the project size.

If the APK must run everywhere, you must have a generous maintenance contract so you can update the project whenever your client finds a very cheap tablet that has some issues with your app.

Now I understand why there are so many updates on mobile apps. It’s not about new features; it’s about new devices.

I expect Wisej.Mobile to take us back to the more normal web world. 🙂

  • Alex Prinias
    Thank you very much for your answers, Tiago and more so for you invaluable comments about native development. One more question: you say that the result of wisej mobile is an APK. Does this mean that it will run only on Android? I have related APK’s with Android but I may be wrong. My client has asked for IOS too.
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Hi Tiago and Luca,

A few days ago I was asked to give an estimate of time/cost for an application that will run on Android and iOs… And since I wouldn’t like to start learning native development right now, I would like to ask some questions from a completely illiterate’s on mobile development point of view:

  1. what is WebView — is it something that we won’t need/cannot use if we develop with Wisej mobile?
  2. if I understand correctly, the resulting from wisej mobile web site, will be available either in the web browser of the mobile device (in such a case, in all mobile devices, no matter what operating system they run) or as a “fake” native application through PhoneGap?
  3. will wisej mobile development be like wisej web? i.e. forms/usercontrols/events etc, following the winform paradigm?
  4. can the resulting web site be “wrapped” somehow so that it is “downloaded”/”installed” to the mobile device from Google Play/App Store/Windows Store?
  5. What is the ETA for Wisej mobile (even a beta that can be taken for a test drive)?

Best regards,


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Hi Luca,

When you say “same foundation”, do you mean that like Wisej.Web, Wisej.Mobile will use extended Windows Forms controls (or at least a subset of them)? Can we expect data binding to work?

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Wisej.Mobile will use the same foundation (Wisej.Core and Wisej.Core.Designer) of Wisej.Web but with a new set of controls and a designer surface adapted to mobile phones and tablets. This is the set of controls, you can try it here: http://www.qooxdoo.org/devel/mobileshowcase.

We’ll probably extend the themes either using the current ThemeBuilder or something similar.

The end result will be a web site that can be used standalone or with PhoneGap. Additional native platform coding to use WebView, properties, installation, etc. is outside of the Wisej.Mobile scope.



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