I think wisej is must have, is promising, is amazing.
I would like more people to know you. What if a costumer review area in wisej portal?
I personally prefer wisej over aspnet mvc.
M$ should do minimalist, simple, fast and easy ways to develop like you.
Hi guys, many thanks for your kind words. Your feedback is very valuable for us.
We actually have a new section for our website currently in design. Five success stories are on their way and should be published soon. If you would be willing to share your experience with Wisej and talk a little about what you use it for, please drop me a line at thomas[at]iceteagroup.com. I’d be more than happy to send you a few interview questions to wrap it up as a little customer experience story.
Best wishes
Absolutely. Love the framework, love how easy it is to extend with other javascript components, love how responsive the developers are when you have issues or just can’t figure something out. Some of the developments could be done more quickly and the roadmap could be clearer but overall it is hard to beat.
I couldn’t agree more!
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