Dear Support,
I have seen that I can “share” texts or files from a WiseJ Hybrid App.
Is it planned that a WiseJ Hybrid App can also act as a “shareable” app (see attached screenshot)?
Kind regards
Werner Haltner
Hi Werner,
This can be done on Android without too much work. In the upcoming 3.5.6 release we’re including a new way to pass custom user data from the HybridClient (client device) to the Wisej.NET application.
You would handle the image within your app with something like the following:
This can then be used in the Wisej.NET app with the following:
For iOS, it’s trickier. You need to register a Share Extension project, see this article & example:
If you need support with the iOS integration, reach out to sales AT wisej DOT com to order some consulting packages.
Yes. correct. Also like you can share files to WhatsApp and other apps.
Can you clarify what you mean by “shareable app”?
Based on your screenshot, do you mean that text/files could be “shared” to a Wisej app the same way they can be shared to Gmail, or as a text message?
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