[SOLVED] Wisej Grid Problem

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I used a linq dataclases context and set table grid control datasource and add define column , when I run it, grid have index error


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Best Answer

Thanks Birol, for reporting the problem and providing a sample.
We have logged the bug in our issue tracking system as WJ-7223.
We will post a new answer when issue is resolved.

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Best Answer

DataGridView with a BindingSource works now.

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The grid is the component that is most under development especially the data binding.

Could you please attach the sample you are using so we can make sure to cover it?

For the next few days it’s better to use the grid setting the cell values directly (grid.RowCount = 100; … or grid.Rows.Add(…)), or using the virtual mode. We will also upload some examples in the next few days.

We will be updating the beta daily, mostly nightly.



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I made a sample that uses DataGridView with a BindingSource. It doesn’t work under Wisej, but I ported the project to Windows Forms and VWG and it works all right. I guess BindingSource is ready yet.

I found another problem I was kind’a expecting: There is no option to create a BindingSource in Wisej projects (that problems also shows up on VWG projects). I had to copy the BindingSource from a Windows Forms projects.

  • Luca (ITG)
    It works now. It was commented out for testing some issues with the data binding designer. Data binding in Wisej is fully functional (and reliable) since we didn’t reimplement it at all :) but extended the existing WinForms data binding classes, currency manager, etc. The issue is with auto columns and some state management with the datagrid that is still not completed. The problems listed in this thread were mostly caused by the automatic new row.
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Error message


An exception of type ‘System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ occurred in Wisej.Web.dll but was not handled in user code

  • Luca (ITG)
    Works now. BTW, the binding property name of the first column doesn’t match the data source column, it’s “test1” instead of “test”. This is not the cause of the exception, but once fixed it will not load the value.
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Thanks Tiago, the problem that no datasource can be created in a WiseJ projects has been logged as WJ-7224.
We will post a new answer when it is resolved, too.

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Fixed problem




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