[SOLVED] Widget is not focusable



I am getting this error on attempting cell edit. (See attached)

Any ideas how to fix?

This is the code I am using which works fine when loading the data into the grid

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using Wisej.Web;

namespace wjServiceDirectory
public class DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumn : DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
public DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumn() : base()
this.Editor = new DataGridViewMccbEditor();

public class DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumnCell : DataGridViewComboBoxCell

public DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumnCell()
Control = new MultiColumnComboBox()
//DropDownRows = 16,
//ColumnVisible = new List { true, true, true, true, true, false },
//ColumnWidths = new List { 80, 250, 250, 200, 80, 0 },
//KeyColumn = 0,
//DisplayColumn = 1,
//Border = BorderStyle.None,
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
//this.Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

public void MultiCombo_SelectionMade(object sender, EventArgs e)
Value = ((MultiColumnComboBox)sender).BoundValue;

public override Type FormattedValueType
get { return typeof(string); }

public override Type ValueType
get { return typeof(string); }
set { }

protected override bool SetValue(object value)
((MultiColumnComboBox)this.Control).BoundValue = value;

return base.SetValue(value);

public class DataGridViewMccbEditor : MultiColumnComboBox, IDataGridViewEditingControl
public DataGridView DataGridView { get; set; }

public bool Invalid
get { return false; }

public void ApplyCellStyleToEditingControl(DataGridViewCellStyle style)

public string GetEditingControlFormattedValue()
return this.BoundValue.ToString();

public void PrepareEditingControlForEdit(bool selectAll)
DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumn cmb = this.DataGridView.CurrentCell.OwningColumn as DataGridViewMultiComboBoxColumn;
DataTable dtMcc = ((DataTable)cmb.DataSource).Copy();
DropDownRows = 16;
ColumnVisible = new List { true, true, true, true, true, false };
ColumnWidths = new List { 80, 250, 250, 200, 80, 0 };
KeyColumn = 0;
DisplayColumn = 1;
Border = BorderStyle.None;
Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
this.BoundValue = this.DataGridView.CurrentCell.Value;

Thanks for your help Ewan

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It expects an editable control. The code is using a panel.

  • Ewan Walker
    Could you let me have the code for the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn as I would effectively need to extend this in my case as simply attempting to inherit it will not do.
  • Luca (ITG)
    It won’t compile, it uses internal implementations. What do you need to do?
  • Ewan Walker
    Hi Luca Its about producing the Value Member / Display Member in the DGV the same way the Combo Box Column implements it, so that the Filter extension picks up the Display Member
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