In Version 2.5+ we can use Summary Rows,
Where I can found a guide about the DatagridVIew summary and instruction how to use !!!
SummaryRows only work on unbound DataGridViews.
You can however use the methods Fill or Append to fill the DataGridView and then fully benefit from the SummaryRows.
Best regards
Thank you for the answer !!
I have another question
If the Datagrid is binding with a dataset it is possible to add a summary row?
Do we have issues when the user sorts the columns !!!
I will suggest having a footer on the datagridview like as the header, and there calculate the sums?
Best Regards
Hi Nikos,
We have a sample that might suit your needs.
You can get it from here: wisej-examples/DataGridViewSummaryRows at 2.2 · iceteagroup/wisej-examples (github.com)
This sample is actually tailored to be used with Wisej 2.2, and with version 2.5 we have included the SummaryRows feature without the need for an extention but everything remains the same!
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