What is the difference between ListBox.DoubleClick and ListBox.MouseDoubleClick?


The documentation isn’t terrible helpful in distinguishing between them.

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Hi Frank,

While Mouse Click events are triggered only by a  mouse action, Click events may be triggered also by a keyboard or programmatic operation, like a call to PerformClick().

Since these events are basic events in Control they are inherited by all Wisej controls.

Best regards

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Aug 8, 2017 - 5:28 pm
    I was faster by almost 1 minute! :)
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Click and MouseClick events (and double click) are defined in the base Wisej.Web.Control class and available to all controls. In general Mouse events (pointer in our case since Wisej works with any pointer device) are fired only as a result of a pointer interaction (i.e. a click or double click).

Click events instead may also fire, depending on the control, because of a keyboard event (i.e. space or enter on a button) or programmatically, calling PerformClick.



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