WebSocket Waiting for readyState = 1 Persists



I have a web app developed in VB.net which I recently deployed to an Azure server.  On the web, the app functions fine but is a bit slower compared to the IDE.  When using the pdfViewer to display a long report it runs a long time and the connection resets.  Smaller reports are fine.  I set “validateClient”: false in the Default.json and it didn’t help.

I noticed that the  WebSocket Waiting for readyState = 1 notice persists.  I double checked that my Web App on the server was configured for WebSocket.  I added “enableWebSocket”: true in the default.json, knowing this was the default, but this didn’t work.  I suspect websocket would help with speed and long functions but I must be missing something to enable it.

I used this for authentication:

If System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated = True Then
    Application.Session.UserEmail = System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.Name
End If

I only need the email address since my app internally authenticates the user.

Any tips on enabling websocket functionality would be very much appreciated.





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Hi Alaa,

Thanks for the quick response!  I guess I was hoping I had found out why the pdfViewer was running so long loading thus resetting the connection and how I could get a more responsive interaction overall.

I had already found the guide you sent.  My App Service shows Websocket is enabled.  I’m not using a VM.

Inside the app after the program.vb and on the first loaded page I inserted this code to find out if websocket was enabled:

If Application.IsWebSocket = True Then
     MessageBox.Show(“Websocket is ON”)
     MessageBox.Show(“Websocket is OFF”)
End If

It always shows OFF.  I don’t know if there’s a better place to insert this code to check.

I assumed  “WebSocket Waiting for readyState = 1” meant it was still waiting.  It never displays a different notice.

If websocket is working, I guess I need to work on how the pdf file is loaded into pdfViewer.  Any thought would be appreciated, but it looks fairly straightforward and works fine in the DE.

Thanks much!



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Hi Gerald,

If the application is deployed to an Azure VM, then you should enable WebSockets from IIS, it’s not on by default and it needs to be installed as a separate feature if you’re using Windows Server.

And, if you’re using an App Service plan, you can follow this guide to enable it.

But, from what I understood WebSocket is already enabled, if you don’t see any errors related to a connection to a websocket endpoint you should be good to go!

The “WebSocket Waiting for readyState = 1” means that the connection was established!

Best Regards,

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