I am trying convert a big VisualWebGUI application into Wisej, and need to try most of the functions currently have (in the VisualWebGUI app).
In addition, I need to try if the new one (Wisej) can be loaded by mobile phone or tablet (I try Android first, and then iPhone / iPad follows).
I have added my trial license to the web.config and then deploy the app to the IIS (of the development machine). I load the web by “http://localhost/demo” and it can be loaded.
However, when I use my mobile phone and tablet to load the web using “”, the following “License Not Found” is pop-up.
So, can I test the WiseJ web app using mobile phone or tablet via internal IP such as “http://192.168.1.x/ . . . ” ?
Felix CHAN
Hi Luca,
Thanks for your info. I can confirmed that I have added my key to the Web.config file and deployed to the IIS. And also, after reading your reply, I checked for the license file and found that the file “wisej-server.lic” exists in the web app folder.
By try and error, I finally found that the problem (“License Not Found” error message get pop-up) is caused by an incorrect theme settings in the Default.json (or Web.config).
(Case 1)
If the theme setting in Default.json is not correct (the theme setting in Web.config should get ignored): Load the web by “https://localhost/demo” from my desktop will be OK, but load by using IP Address “” by my tablet will get “Invalid Theme” error follow by “License Not Found” error.
(Case 2)
If the theme setting in Default.json is removed, and I add an invalid theme setting in the Web.config: Both localhost and IP address will pop-up an error saying “Invalid Theme” and then the browser screen become blank (empty).
(Case 3)
If the theme setting in Web.config is correct, and keeping the Default.json with no theme setting: Both localhost and IP address can be used without problem (provided that the license is valid and the file is in place).
(Case 4)
If the theme setting in Web.config is removed, and add a correct theme setting to Default.json: Result is same as Case 3.
(Case 5)
If the theme setting is removed in both Web.config and Default.json, Result is same as Case 3.
Test run under the following config:
Computer (Dev, IIS, Testing): Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Visual Studio 2015, WiseJ, IE 11, Firefox 57.02, Chrome 63.0.3239.84.
Android Tablet (Testing): Sony Xperia Tablet Z4, Android 7.1.1, Chrome 63.0.3239.111.
Felix CHAN
Wisej doesn’t check the license when using http://localhost. If you use an IP or domain name then it tries to load the license (wisej-server.lic). If it doesn’t find the activation file it tries to activate the license key in Web.config. The server either has a wisej-server.lic file or it must be able to connect to the internet. The activation is plain http over port 80.
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