I’m using the UserPopup class in a custom ComboBox/DropDown-like control. The DropDown part is used as a kind of auto-complete list and is hidden once the TextBox associated with it loses the focus. Apparently, the <div> of the UserPopup is sometimes incorrectly hidden when .Hide() is called (display:none; is not always set?).
I have attached a project showing the problem. In Firefox, it appears to happen consistently when you select the first TextBox, resize the Popup, press Tab, then try to click the second TextBox. It will be overlapped by the first Popup, which is invisible but not unclickable. However, it seems to behave differently in Chrome and I’m not quite sure what is happening there, but it doesn’t look correct either. On other people’s machines, different things apparently happen, such as the Popup becoming invisible and covering a rectangle at Position 0,0 with its normal size, preventing controls to be clicked under it. The real user control I built also completely removes the Popup at some point (e.g. when a Window is closed) resulting in a dead region on the screen which can only be fixed by reloading the tab with F5.
Here’s a video: https://s.nxs.re/wisejpopupbug.webm
I have just installed the latest Version. Bug doesn’t seem to be fixed, I can still reproduce it.
In fact, I have found another Bug: When you press and hold Tab in the TextBoxes, the Popups will eventually get stuck and not disappear.
Hi Marian,
can you please retry with the latest Wisej dev build (1.4.54) that has just been uploaded ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Hi Luca,
I don’t think there’s any JS error showing up in the console in latest Firefox (except for a lot of “TypeError: document.msElementsFromPoint is not a function“, but that has always been there and doesn’t appear to be linked to my issue). In Chrome, the TypeError is gone, but I can still reproduce the problem. No other errors there either.
I’m using Wisej 1.4.53, the latest dev build.
Please check the console for javascript errors. We just fixed an issue with UserPoup controls causing a client side error (not visible, just in the console) that may be connected to this. I tried your code with the last build (dev build coming up) and cannot reproduce the issue you described. I have however seen that when clicking on the Page the textbox Leave event is not fired – will log.
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