UploadFiles() Query



Can anyone confirm if the UploadFiles() event on the Upload Control is fired on iOS if you call it programmatically ? No issues with Windows and Android, but on Ipad it doesn’t seem to fire. (Or if it does there is a hidden error).

The only way I can open the File Dialog is if a user clicks on a visible Upload Button itself.

I’ve only been able to test this on an emulator and an end user who reported the initial issue to me. The Emulator I used was on iOS 16.2. I dont have access to an Ipad myself. I’m using Wisej 3.2.7 in a VB.NET environment.





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We and no one else (short of Apple or Google or Microsoft) can change the way browsers work.

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That is a shame. The only reason I need to call this.upload.UploadFiles()  from another button is because I can not find away of adding an upload control to the NavigationBar or to a simple Button Dropdown. Open to any suggestions on how this could be done. As a work around I am using a confirmation dialog window with an upload button on it which is annoying as its an extra button to press for the end user.


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Calling it programmatically may be blocked by the browser if there is no user interaction. We have no way to change that.

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