Hi guys,
How can I make the border color of the upload control red when the upload control is empty? In the attached picture all the other mandatory fields are red except the upload control, although upload.Invalid = true.
Hi Julie, yes, it does work. After I downlaoded the new ThemeBuilder, as Frank suggested yesterday, the Themes were refreshed.
It works with Wisej 3.5.7, here’s a sample that uses the Material-3 theme.
Hi Alex,
.NET 6 support was dropped with Wisej.NET 3.5.
You need to download the latest Theme Builder to see the invalid state.
Best regards
Hi guys,
I’m confused… I don’t see any difference. I installed the nuget packages. Then I thought I need a new theme with an “invalid” state for the “upload” appearance. So, I installed the new extension in VS. Still no difference. Then I opened the Theme Builder and the Material-3 theme (which I saw it had just been installed in my user folder. I checked and didn’t see any difference in the upload appearance, no invalid state there.
On top of that, hell broke loose and it took me quite a while to fix. My project was targeting net48, net6.0 and net7.0. As I realised, the new wisej 3.5.7 does not support net6.0. But the previous extension I had was 3.5.4 and it didn’t support net6.0 as well. But it was working! So, I then remembered that my nuget packages were 3.2.7 (working with the 3.5.4 VS extension). And they DID support net6.0…
As an extra bonus, when I start debugging in VS, the https application goes immediately Offline. Only the http works… Don’t have a clue why is this. Does it tell you something?
Summary: I still do not see any change in the appearance of the upload control when upload1.Invalid = true;
Thank you, Frank!
Do I need to download and install a new extension in VS or it’s enough to upfate the nuget packages?
Hi Alex,
both issues have been fixed and deployed with Wisej.NET 3.5.7
Best regards
Thank you, Frank. I’ll wait for your fix.
In the meanwhile, I thought about creating a new appearance, let’s say “invalidUpload” and set the AppearanceKey = “invalidUpload” when upload1.Value == null.
Since you started playing with the upload control, may I suggest a Label property for it? In a sense it is an input control…
Hi Alex,
you actually uncovered 2 issues that we are now working on:
Both issues will be fixed for the 3.5.7 release.
I’ll keep you updated.
Best regards
Hi Frank,
In the screenshot you can see what I did, i.e. added the “invalid” state to the “upload” appearance. I did that by editing the .theme file in VS. As you can see, when I open it in the Theme Builder, I can see the addition in the Editor part, but nothing in the tree view. Isn’t this suspicious?
Hi Frank,
I’m using Material-3. Yes, I have tried adding a new state named “invalid” to the upload appearance, and putting into it the contents of the textbox invalid state. I have also tried to make the textfield component of the upload appearance inherit from the textbox instead of textfield – don’t know if this is correct. None of these two changes made a difference.
Hi Alex,
what theme are you using? Did you try copying over the theme settings for the invalid state of the textbox to the upload section?
Best regards
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