The property AllowedFileTypes is used to filter the files that the Wisej control accepts, but has no effect on the browser file chooser. (see attach)
Hi Tiago,
What to show is up to the browser. We can only set the accept property. This is the spec
Now Wisej sets the correct attribute, but we commented out a line in the js library to also filter the accept property when dragging, it will be re-enabled using the correct syntax. We were using regex before.
It’s listed as solved. I can confirm that
upload1.AllowedFileTypes = “.xlsx”;
only shows “Microsoft Excel Worksheet” files.
On the other hand, “.xls” shows “Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet”.
The interesting bit is that “.xlsx,.txt” filters Excel and text files under Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Edge doesn’t pre-select any filter as you can see in the attached file (well you can’t see because I can’t attach a file)
Thanks Tiago,
we have logged WJ-7239 for that issue.
We will post an answer when it is fixed.
Best regards