I’m trying to integrate the Syncfusion PDF viewer using the Integration2 sample as a base. I’ve created a Widget as per the example.
My init script is:
var script = $@”this.init = function() {{var me = this;$(this.container).ejPdfViewer ({{serviceUrl: this.getPostbackUrl()}});}};“;
The first time I load the component into a browser I get an error “Object doesn’t support property or method ejPdfViewer” even though the viewer control loads and displays (but doesn’t all the PostbackUrl). Is there something I need to do to wait for the javascript to load before trying to create the viewer object?
Hi Nic,
your code is perfectly fine but SyncFusion´s PDF viewer simply does not support loading a PDF directly:
While I like many of SyncFusions controls, I would recommend to use a different component to Load/View PDF files
that better integrates with Wisej. (or simply use the Wisej.PdfViewer).
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Thanks Frank – I had not spotted that important detail. I’ll find another component.
The WiseJ component does not work for me because you cannot control the ability of the user to print or download the PDF.
Thanks again
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