I have this bound TreeView control that receives a BindingSource and builds a TreeView. I works beautifully on WindowsForms and on VWG. I want to port it to Wisej and I’ve been waiting for Wisej’s TreeView control to stabilize. In the last releases it got a lot more stable and now I can drag&drop my nodes around without errors. I suspect there is still a problem with node’s coordinates, but I’m sure it will be fixed sooner or later and that’s not my prioriy at the moment.
On this bound TreeView, whenever I refresh the control, the old nodes don’t get deleted and a new set of nodes gets added. It’s very difficult to reproduce, since it’s a bound control and by “refresh” I mean “call ResetBindings() on the data source”. A lot of things happen on a ResetBindings operation and it’s not easy to identify what part is causing the problem.
On the other hand, it’s very easy to show, since the TreeView’s Nodes.Count doesn’t match the visible nodes. And that shoudn’t happen, binding source or no binding source. I know this isn’t a terribly useful issue report but I can’t give more details. Unless you want the full source code, so you can debug the BoundTreeView control.
Since I’m also using an extended TreeNode control (BoundTreeNode), I checked for memory leaks but found none. This means that in what .NET framework is concerned, there are no astray TreeNode – every TreeNode is disposed as it should.
I’m using Wisej 1.2.70
Hi Frank
It’s fixed. Thank you for the ultra fast fixing.
Hi Tiago,
can you please send us the source code so we can double check that all issues are fixed ?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Frank,
It’s the same issue all right.
Hi Tiago,
this sounds related to Alex´ report:
We will notify you when WJ-7669 is fixed and would appreciate if you could retry your solution then.
Best regards