TreeView SelectedNode issues

  1. On load, WinForms TreeView automatically selects the first TreeView node. On load, Wisej TreeView doesn’t select any node (SelectedNode is set to null). That’s not very important, it’s more a question of personal preference.
  2. When I set SelectedNode = null, in WinForms no Select events (OnBeforeSelect/OnAfterSelect ) are raised. InWisej OnBeforeSelect and OnAfterSelect are raised with e.Node = null. Furthermore, when base.OnBeforeSelect(e) and base.OnAfterSelect(e) is executed, Wisej code throws a null reference exception.

As usual, a WinForms/Wisej sample is attached.

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If I understand it correctly, the events will be fired but base.OnBeforeSelect(e) and base.OnAfterSelect(e) won’t raise a NullReferenceException.

Please confirm so I fix the code accordingly.

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Aug 22, 2017 - 4:22 pm
    Yes, e.Node is null but you can set e.Cancel = true on OnBeforeSelect to prevent the TreeView selection from being cleared. Also in OnAfterSelect e.Node is null which lets you determine that the selection was cleared. Similar to SelectedIndex = -1. Also our TreeView supports multiple selection, see SelectionMode and TreeView,SelectedNodes, this has always been a struggle in WinForms.
  • Tiago (ITG)
    BoundTreeView supports SelectNode = null. I plan to do nothing, meaning let the OnEVENT flow and always call base.OnEVENT(e). I just need Wisej not to raise NullReferenceException on base.OnEVENT(e).
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Here is the attachement.

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I can reproduce the null exception. It’s WJ-8406.

Non selecting the first node is by design. That behavior in WinForms has always created problems with the selection events and having to set the node to null.

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Aug 22, 2017 - 4:13 pm
    Forgot to add that OnBefore/AfterSelect are fired also when setting SelectedNode = null to let the code cancel the event or handle the event when clearing a selection.
  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Aug 22, 2017 - 4:15 pm
    And that it’s actually a regression added when we replicated the TreeView node event to the TreeNode element, a new feature.
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Hi Tiago, the attachment is missing.

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