Hi guys,
The NodeMouseClick event fires now, but unfortunately only when the mouse left button is clicked. Even then, the TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs parameter e has
e.Button = None,
e.Location = (0, 0) (should this count in pixels relative to the TreeView or the Node, I don’t know).
Additionally, most of the times the NodeMouseDoubleClick does not fire correctly anymore, the double click is handled
a. either once by the NodeMouseClick
b. or twice by NodeMouseClick and then once by NodeMouseDoubleClick.
<<< END EDIT>>>
Hi Alex,
enhancement WJ-7643 is added in the latest build (1.2.68)
Best regards
Hi Alex,
first: I have created enhancement request WJ-7643 for the property values of NodeFont.
The problems with click/double click and the missing location are all fixed in release 1.2.67.
Best regards
Thanks Luca!
Since we are talking about TreeView, I noticed that if a node’s NodeFont is not set explicitly earlier, it is null. Is that normal or a bug? I would expect it to be the same as the TreeView’s Font so that I can check its property values (font Size, Style etc).
Hi Alex,
Thanks, I noticed the same issue with right clicks. They are all fixed now. Will update later on today.