I am using the clear 3 theme and have replaced the icons on my tree view with external ones. This all works fine.
However I only want the selected node background to show on leaf nodes so I have set the background colour to transparent if a non leaf node is selected.
The trouble with this approach is the node arrow also takes on the background colour so it effectively disappears.
Any Ideas?
Hi Luca
As the image shows the issue is when a node is selected the Arrow turns white.
I would have thought e.Node.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(“@windowText”); should set the Arrow icon as well.
How do I stop this happening for non leaf nodes?
What would mixin look like that didn’t change the foreground and background color when a node is selected?
The code below doesn’t work
“tree-folder”: {
“text”: “Tree Node”,
“states:”: {
“selected”: {
“properties”: {
“textColor”: “windowText”
“styles”: {
“backgroundColor”: “highlightText”
With this I could simply set the background colour for leaf nodes
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