I am using semitransparent back colors and have realized that they do not work with Chrome and IE but work with Firefox.
After some debugging I found that in chrome the argb value for the background uses a comma instead of a point.
This reminded me of some issues with localisation and serialization but my system is set to “DE-CH” wich uses points and it gets points in Firefox.
Does Firefox fix the wrong value or does Wisej send Firefox something different than it sends chrome or IE?
Hi Adrian,
WJ-8128 is also fixed in the latest release (1.3.43).
Best regards
It’s a bug in Wisej. It uses the locale of the application to serialize the rgba value instead of using the InvariantCulture. The same error shows in firefox for me when adding ?lang=de. When the culture is set to “auto”, wisej reads the value of “navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage || navigator.userLanguage”. If the browser doesn’t set one of those, then Wisej uses the server’s locale.
Logged as: WJ-8128.
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