If the TabStop property is set to False on a control the control can no longer get focus even when navigating via the mouse or when setting the focus in code.
Hi Robin,
WJ-7667 is now fixed (in build 1.2.71).
Please also note the new property Control.Focusable that you can use to “fine tune” the behavior of your input controls.
Best regards
Hi Frank.
Thanks. Works as expected!
Hi Robin,
please retry with the latest build (1.2.76).
Best regards
Hi Robin,
That’s the way it’s supposed to work. The button (check and radio too) seem to block the click event when not focusable. Will fix.
Hi Frank,
This is now fixed. Thanks.
Just one thing with the new ‘Focasable’ property. I was envisioning that when this property is set to ‘false’ then the control would not be able to take the focus but that operations on the control would still work and events would still fire. For example if you set the Focasable property to false on a button then clicking the button would still fire the Click event but the focus would remain on the current control. This would be useful if you want to perform an operation on the current controls but have the control not fire the lost/got focus events.
Thanks Robin.
I have logged WJ-7667 for this bug.
Best regards