TabControl.SelectedIndexChanged event doesn't fire in release build?


I’ve attached a handler to TabControl.SelectedIndexChanged in order to run code server-side when the user switches tabs on the tab control.  This works when I run a debug build locally, but when I deploy a release build to Azure, it seems that this event isn’t firing.

What am I missing, or what other mechanism should I be using to intercept switching tabs?


  • Carl Daniel
    Strangely, it seems to work when I run a release build locally (Ctrl-F5 from inside VS). It’s only the code deployed to Azure that seems to not work correctly. That doesn’t make sense.
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Check with F12 in Chrome in case there is a communication or js error. In general it makes no different to Wisej where it’s deployed. It doesn’t even know it since it all goes through an IHttpHandler.

I just published this using the VS publishing tool:

  • Carl Daniel
    I know – it not working only when deployed makes no sense. I threw in some MessageBox.Show’s and, of course, it works every time with that in. I’m wondering if this is a DataGridView issue and not a TabControl issue – the event handler for SelectedIndexChanged is changing the DataSource of an BindingSource that’s data-bound to a DataGridView, I’m expeccting to see a new row show up in the DGV, but I don’t. I know that the row was added to the underlying collection though – I can see it in other parts of the app.
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