Following on from a couple of other users that have experienced tab sequence problems, I thought I might bring this issue up just in case it can be addressed.
On a form I have a text box, followed by a tab control with two tab pages, both containing several text boxes on each tab page.
If I set the tab order from the first text box then onto the other text boxes in order and run the app, pressing the tab key once appears to put the cursor somewhere but then pressing it again brings it straight back to the first text box, skipping the TabControl text boxes.
As Luca mentioned, it is tricky to get this sequence to translate between the ‘design’ layout and the ‘flat’ html page, but if you can solve this it will save some headaches down the track. I can just hear data entry users moaning about this one at some stage…
Attached is a zip with what I have mentioned above.
Thank you!
Hi Andrew,
all enhancements are included in the latest Wisej build (1.3.65).
Best regards
Thanks, good catch.
The issue in this case is that the new tab order comparer skips the inner controls since the TabControl itself has the focus. Which shows another issue which is that there is no visual indication that the tab control is focused, and a third issue that unless you click on the tab, the tab buttons don’t process the keyboard (up,down,left,right).
And this led to a new enhancements which is the support for mnemonics for tab pages as well.
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