When enabling SSL in default.json I’m getting “Failed to Connect to Server” and the following lines in the debug-console.
WebSocket Error An invalid or illegal string was specified.
We have a valid authority ssl certificate installed on IIS-Server.
Best Regards
Corvin Meyer auf der Heide
Figured out the dlls in bin and Release where still instead of Deleting and adding the references, rebuiding or cleaning had no Effect. Deleted the references, deinstalled wisej, installed, updated to and added the References. Seems now I really have
Will make a deploy on the Server with the certificate in next days.
Best Regards
Corvin Meyer auf der Heide
I can’t reproduce. It is the error that was referred in the other thread. Looks like your installation is pick up the previous wisej.js or it’s cached. I tried with FF and Chrome.
You can try this:
Let me know.
Hey Luca,
I have already installed .42 . Have read the other question and thought it may has another reason, so I opened a new one.
Best Regards
Corvin Meyer auf der Heide
Hi Corvin,
It was fixed in .40, it was WJ-8096. I suggest to use .42 from the dev builds.
See https://wisej.com/support/question/bug-with-https-websocket
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