“Wisej.Core.Dynamic.Object” does not contain a definition for ‘Item’. This is the error that pops up whenever I click a menuitem of a SplitButton to open a form or use a MessageBox.Show.
Hi Cris, you were quick. Please update again, there was a break with the tool buttons were added to the DGV, TreeView and MonthCalendar.
You will also like this (all the details of the update will be posted soon – still slow vacation time…):
Hi Luca,
You are quicker than I am. When I uninstalled because of duplicate controls in the Toolbox and tried to re-install, I saw 1.2.38 to my surprise.
Tools in DGV is what I was waiting for. I’ll try it later and give you a feedback if there’s any.
Thanks for the info.
Hi Luca,
Fixed in 1.2.37.o
Thank you. WJ-7498. Looks like a regression. Will most likely be fixed in the upcoming update.