We have noticed if a user goes to another tab for several minutes then returns the spinner will be visable and the only way to recover is pressing F5 or the refresh button in the browser. We also notice in the browser’s developer view that WiseJ is reaching out for a health check. If we stay in the tab the application is running in the spinner is not shown nor is the health check performed.
The page does have a timer control that performs some quick functions every 3 seconds.
The reason that Wisej reaches out for a health check is that Wisej does not know the difference between closing your browser, closing a browser tab and turning off your computer. The “health check” works as follows: server sends a message to the client, and waits for a response. If the server doesn’t get a response, it assumes the client has disconnected somehow (Whether that is a closing the tab or turning off the computer).
Note that the only reason you are getting the healthcheck is because the connection between server and client is being closed. There is no healthcheck sent by Wisej normally. The user switching tabs should not cause the session to end, and should not trigger the healthcheck- although the user CLOSING the tab should.
Can you provide a sample please? And, do you see the same behavior if you comment out the timer control?
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