[SOLVED] Some Bugs

Answered Closed
  • At the Moment each Control in the designer in the Toolbox is listed 4 times.
  • Not every time, but in 80% of the time, when I add any kind Control via the Designer, after placing it, i’ve directly selected the asp.net-Panel. Must select the Pointer manually in the Toolbox each time.  When I don’t do this, each click will place a asp.net-Panel.
  • The Control.Clientsize.Height / Control.ClientSize.Witdh-Properties are not settable single. The Property-Info says the opposite.
  • The Control.ControlCreated-Event is not available via the Designer
  • Since yesterday I have a Problem with SplitContainer.SplitterDistance.
  • I’m doing something like this  “SplitContainer.SplitterDistance = Panel.Width/this.DataGridView.Columns.Count;
    • Example: Panel.Width/this.DataGridView.Columns.Count = 213
    • 1. Time Splitterdistance is set to 1171
    • 2. Time its set to 795
    • 3. Time its set to 232
    • 4. Time its set to 214
    • 5. Time its set to 211

Have updated WiseJ-Version yesterday, I’m getting an only Browserside Nullreference-Exception after logging in via Formsauthentication. Updated again, today, same Error. I can’t detect where it’s throwing, browserconsole and  VS15 also aren’t saying anything. Worked correct with older Builds.

Best regards


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Best Answer

OK, thanks. That was causing the exception because of a recent change in the context. It is fixed, the update should be online already.

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Hi Corvin,

About the toolbox icon multiplication issue, please refer to VS2015 toolbox – Wisej icons issue. It happened to me 3 times on VS2015.

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Hi Corvin,

For the toolbox issue, please refer to Tiago’s answer. It’s a common VS issue when installing toolbox items. Usually right-click -> “Reset Toolbox” works.

I had the toolbox stuck as well, but it’s not caused by Wisej, it happened for me without Wisej. It was more frequent when using the search textbox at the top of the toolbox to filter the tools. After updating to VS2013 Update 5 and VS2015 Update 2 I haven’t been able to reproduce this problem and other Visual Studio issues.

ClientSize, Size, and all structure properties can only be assigned. You cannot change the value of a structure returned as a property.

The ControlCreated event was hidden on purpose since it was a new “structural” event that should be handled with care. I have logged an enhancement to make it visible in the editor at least. Now it’s set to Browsable false and EditorBrowsable never.

The SplitterDistance has a new bug, fixed in dev not updated yet. It was caused by a fix to a design time issue with the SplitContainer not updating the rendering when resized in design mode.

For the NullReference exception, can you please add “debug”:true in your json config. It will show the stack trace when popping the message box (if it’s coming from the server).

Let me know.




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Ah, thank you!

Have attached a Screenshot of the Nullreference-Exception.



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Thanks, quick question: are you using Application.Cookies?

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Quick answer: Yes.

var httpAuthCookie = new Cookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName,
FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket)) {Path = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath};




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