I get a compilation error
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0234 The type or namespace name ‘Core’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Wisej’ (are you missing an assembly reference?) Wisej.Web.Ext.SmoothieChart C:\trash\wisej\SmoothieChart\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs 3 Active
Also, do you have a sample app for the smoothieChart extension?
I have this extension work but I do have one thing that I haven’t got working.
The .MaxValue does not appear to work. If I make the .maxvalue = 100 and run the app, the max value is still variable based on the data being presented.
Am I misunderstanding how it works?
Thanks very much
Hi Shawn,
thanks, I fixed the reference. Please download the extension again.
I have also create a sample to show how to use the extension:
It shows 3 instances of the SmoothieChart in a TableLayoutPanel control. The first has 3 TimeSeries while the other 2 only have one.
The range for 1 and 3 is 0 to 100 and for the 2nd it is 0 to 1000. All three have different colors and different styles.
You can set those properties either through the designer or from code. Here is a sample for the TimeSeries:
The actual data is provided through the DataNeeded event. And here you can see the Beauty of Wisej feeding a client side component with server side data easily and transparently:
The first instance distinguishes between its 3 different TimeSeries, while the other two just provide random data within their range.
You can try it online: http://demo.wisej.com/SmoothieChartSample
or download the source: http://wisej.s3.amazonaws.com/support/attachments/SmoothieChart.zip
Best regards
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