Signature extension.


Im trying to add the signature extension but it appears not working. I only displays “Unknown type: wisej.web.ext.signature”

using ver 3.5.6. am i missing something? Thanks!


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hi julie, yes. the “Unknown type: wisej.web.ext.signature” appears also in your test project. Maybe some registry problem in my machine?

Also sending another project. (in this case in which has the same issue)

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I tested with Wisej 3.5.6 as well as with the newest version of Wisej (3.5.8) and the Signature extension is working fine for me. See attached test case.

Some troubleshooting steps for you to follow:

  1. Make sure that you have installed the Wisej-3-Signature nuget package in your project
  2. Make sure that you are using the most recent version of the Wisej VSIX. You can either download it here: Or install it by opening Visual Studio, choosing Extensions > Manage Extensions > Updates > Wisej.Net 3 VS2022 > Update.
  3. Restart Visual Studio and open and close the designer


  • appservice srl
    Hi Julie thanks for your reply. The control worked after I applied some code in it, also after deleting cache and site settings in browser. very strange.. Also it still appears the phrase: “Unknown type: wisej.web.ext.signature” inside the control. The ribbonbar extension seems to have the same behavour too… but both works when loading the project. Thanks!
  • Julie (ITG)
    Can you provide a test case as per the guidelines under “before posting an issue” here? Then I can try to reproduce with your test case. Also, when you run my test case, do you see the “Unknown type: wisej.web.ext.signature” inside the control or no?
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