What is the most suitable component to be used as side navigation bar? Accordion? Can it be expanded or collapsed horizontally (like DevExpress components)?
It’s here: https://wisej.com/support/question/request-360-panorama-photo
In case the attached to the post is old, I attached the latest here. You still need the extension attached to the other post.
Depends on what you need. All panels in wisej can collapse into any of the 4 sides, independently from the orientation of the header. The header can be vertical or horizontal and the panel can contain anything. You can place buttons, links, etc. Panel headers can contain images and tool buttons.
Collapsed panels can be set to auto expand when hovering, or clicking and auto collapse back. See http://demo.wisej.com/pannellum as an example. Collapse the left panel and then hover over it to see it expand automatically over the content.
The background color can be semi transparent, you can change the UI depending on the device, etc.
The accordion is a set of stacked panels, the content of the panels depends on the application. The options are unlimited – we try to stay away from prebuilt higher level components.
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