I have a proof of concept app that I am working on. It is set to be cookieless in the json file and that works correctly.
I have setup code in my program.vb so that my app doesn’t timeout on the sessionTime
AddHandler Application.SessionTimeout, AddressOf Application_SessionTimeout
Private Sub Application_SessionTimeout(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.HandledEventArgs)
e.Handled = True
End Sub
I am loading my for with the standard code in the Sub Main()
Dim window As New Main()
This all works fine, and I can have my app run for hours without anyone touching it. (It is a dashboard app so it doesn’t need any interaction)
form “main”, If I click on a menu option, it launches a new form using the sub
Again, this works fine, no timeout
The problem comes when I try to read what form to open from an xml file. My xml file is this serialized object
Public Class uiSession
Public Property LastAccessed As DateTime = Date.MinValue
Public Property ActiveForm As String = String.Empty
It has 2 methods in it ReadXML and SaveXML
If I use the ReadXML and load the form based off this, my session will time out after about 5 minutes. The code used to launch the page is the same as above, mnuBill_Run()
it looks like this:
Dim xsession As New uiSession
xsession = xsession.ReadXML()
If xsession.ActiveForm <> “” Then
Select Case xsession.ActiveForm
Case “frmDashboard_Bill”
end select
end if
If I delete the XML file, so it passed by the if xsession.activeForm, it doesn’t time out.
So, after all that, why is it timing out if I open the form based off the saved object?
Hi Shawn,
It is the issue I described in my last comment. This is what happens in your code:
Execution Path 1: Program.Main -> window.Show() -> AddHandler SessionTimeout -> Done.
User clicks MenuItem1 -> LoadTest() -> frm.LoadData() -> frmShowDialog() -> Modal Idling (thread is suspended).
Timeout event from client -> Application_SessionTimeout -> Handler = true -> Done.
Execution Path 2: Program.Main -> window.Show() -> LoadTest() -> frm.LoadData() -> frmShowDialog() -> Modal Idling (thread is suspended).
Timeout event from client -> There is no handler attached since Main() is in a modal loop.
Solution: Move AddHandler before window.Show(), or better not use ShowDialog(), use frm.ShowModalMask = true and frm.Show()
Luca, I have written a really tiny app that demonstrates the problem.
If you run this on a server (not inside of VS2015), you will need to click on the menu option “Test”. This will open a form that, using a timer will update the time every 2 seconds.
It will run and run and not have the session timeout.
If you go into Window1.vb and uncomment the LoadTest() in the Main_Load and run it, the frmTest form will load, and the timer will update the time label every 2 seconds. Wait around 6-7 minutes and it will throw up the message that the session will time out in xxx.
One more question, the code that restores the session and calls mnuBill_Run is it invoked when the client gets an invalid session error (after a recycle) and you have the javascript code that reloads?
Luca, I am sending you both the XML file and the class that is serialized to it. You won’t be able to compile it because it uses some external libraries of mine, but you can look at it.
Can you send the content of ReadXML? I’m wondering if .NET is creating a dynamic assembly and somehow causes a reload.
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