I noticed while working with the text box in our application that we have hit a wall where the textbox can only go up to 32 kb and then starts giving us an error. while looking around the internet I found that the RichTextBox has a limit of 2 mb, so i went into the docs to look up the implementation of RichTextBox you guys had done and noticed it wasn’t there so i am currently using just the reg implementation. my question is are you guys looking to adding the RichTextBox in a future implementation cause would prefer to use the wisej implementation.
figured out the issue we where able to change the limit from the 32 kb that is set by default by setting textbox.maxlength = 0 which allows the maxlength to default to int32.maxval so if anyone else is having an issue where they feel they need a richtextbox here is another solution for you.
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