We are happy to announce our Wisej RibbonBar extension.
It´s now available for free in our extension section – including full source code
that developers can extend and adapt to their apps.
Please note that this is version 1.0 and we will keep improving it further.
You will need Wisej build 1.4.59+ to run the RibbonBar extension.
This extension is also a great example on how to develop and add a fairly complex control to Wisej.
We have also uploaded a RibbonBar sample that you can find here:
The sample shows: Vertical button, vertical splitbutton, horizontal button, horizontal splitbutton,
buttom with menus, checkbox, custom control (including a nice theme picker), button group with horizontal layout,
custom tab colors, events, textbox, combobox with label and icon (optional), AppButton.
RibbonBar is displayed at runtime and in the VisualStudio designer.
It can be localized easily using VisualStudio:
Please try it out yourself and send us your feedback.
Awesome extension!
thank you
The RibbonBar button and and split button don’t have the Style property like the Toolbar button. They have the Orientation property. Vertical means that the button fills the column vertically and the internal layout is vertical (icon, text, down arrow if it has a menu or is split), while Horizontal means it fills a row and the layout is horizontal.
Other ribbon items don’t have this option. Some are always horizontal, like the TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, etc. And some are always vertical, like the separator.
We also have the RibbonBarButtonGroup which allows you to group buttons in horizontal groups, see the “Edit” tab in the sample.
The ThemePicker in the sample is a normal control, it can be wrapped in a RibbonBarItemControl. It works the same way as the DesktopTaskBarItemControl. It lets you pick a control from the container and it includes it in the RibbonBar. For example, if you want to include a DataGridView, drop a DataGridView on t he form, then in the RibbonBarItemControl select the dataGridView1 control and you will see that it gets imported in the RibbonBar. The same would happen with the DesktopTaskBarItemControl, and soon with the Toolbar as well.
This lets you handle all the events on the imported control directly.
The RibbonBarItemControl can be Vertical or Horizontal. It’s a very complex control.
Also please notice that when in design mode you can click on an item to select it in the designer.
Hi Frank,
I’m at the early stage of doing some tests using this new RibbonBar extension, and have few questions :
I added a new window2 and a new RibbonBar. Then a ribbonPage -> RibbonGroup -> RibbonBarItemControl.
The selection of available controls is :
myribbonBar1 + Window2, nothing more, where on you Window1, the selection is button1,ribbonbar,themePicker1,window1.
I tried to change my userControl namespace to Wisej.RibbonBar as your’s but without success.
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