Greetings sorry to trouble you.
There was some feature available in VWG that allowed access to a string array of themes.
I know WiseJ references my single theme in the themes folder
and any mixins I additionally add in that theme folder.
But there does not seem to be any functionality available to access this list I see
available in the UI programmatically, so I can present this list to the user.
— And of course change dynamically.
Thank you
Thank you I appreciate this, but my themes folder only has my custom theme in it and some odd mixin .
It does not represent the content of this list that I see in the designers of the controls as shown in the previous image attachment,
that I am attempting to access and provide to user for dynamic selection
There isn’t a built-in method for Wisej for getting the themes from the themes folder specifically.
However, you can just check the Themes folder and get a list of the files in it.
Just use DIrectory.GetFiles()
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