PdfViewer - problems



I have 2 problems:

  1. setting FileName has no effect (it remains postback.wx or internal pdf title). By the way, that “title” is displayed only on Chrome, not on Firefox.
  2. on mobile (Android 14), instead of showing pdf content, I got a button “Open”. Pushing that button download and open pdf in external application. Tested on 2 different mobiles (well, both Samsung)

I attached the demo project and 2 screenshots with my results. I can provide a link if someone want to test from mobile.

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Hi Adrian, i got your example and compile. The filename proposed in the save file dialog is the one set in the ShowPDF invocation inside the button1_click event handler.
Designer version
Nuget Package 3.5.17 (Wisej.Framework.dll


  • Adrian Zagar
    In that case, I misunderstood the usage of FileName. My problems are related to the text “postback.ws” displayed on Chrome on PC (see again my printscreen pdfviewer_title.png). And the really big problem is the way it works on mobile (both Chrome and Samsung Internet browser) – see printscreen pdfviewer_on_mobile). You can try it on my computer on https://zagar.duckdns.org:8878/test/
  • Gabriele Del Giovine
    On mobile I think is a bug or a non correct use of pdf.js by Wisej.NET. YOu can try to change the PdfViewerType or use a custom implementation of PDF.js tailored for mobile devices when you have a mobile client session. WIsej support can tell.
  • Julie
    • Julie
    • Mar 24, 2025 - 7:49 pm
    I checked and it’s not a bug on mobile. On android select mozilla (pdfjs). Auto is the native and apparently android doesn’t support it. On iphone they all work.
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The PDF File is from file or from Stream?
In your example the PDF file is created from a memorystream so the FileName property is not used or infered from PDFSource property.
If you set the PDFSource property with the PDF Filename then FileName have a value.
Why you load the PDFViewer with a memorystream when you have a PDF file?

  • Adrian Zagar
    In my example the PDF is from stream because in real situation is obtained in memory (smart pdf, fill in the fields, flatten and serving to client). As I already told, I tried to set the FileName from code, hoping that this will “overwrite” the file equivalent.
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