How can I add dxDataGrid1 onSelectionChanged and onContentReady function.
I want to open the detail grid as in the link https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/DataGrid/MasterDetailAPI/jQuery/Light/. can you help me.
onSelectionChanged(e) {
onContentReady(e) {
if (!e.component.getSelectedRowKeys().length) { e.component.selectRowsByIndexes(0); }
this.dxDataGrid1.Options = new
// redirect data requests to the WebRequest handler.
dataSource = serviceUrl + “&action=getEmployees”,
keyExpr = “IND”,
showBorders = true,
filterRow = new
visible = false
searchPanel = new
visible = true
paging = new
pageSize = 25
pager = new
visible = true,
showPageSizeSelector = true,
allowedPageSizes = new[] { “25”, “50”, “500” },
showNavigationButtons = true,
showInfo = true,
infoText = “{0} / {1} Sayfa ({2} Kayıt)”
columnsAutoWidth = true,
columns = new dynamic[]
dataField = “IND”,
caption = “IND”,
width = 100,
dataField = “NAME”,
caption = “NAME”,
width = 100
dataField = “SURNAME”,
caption = “SURNAME”
masterDetail = new
autoExpandAll = false,
enabled = true,
// the name of the template in WidgetFunctions.
template = “detailTemplateInit”,
detailTemplateInit Script
// get the parameters. var container = arguments[0]; var options = arguments[1]; var gridState = {}; // store the widget context. var me = this; // get the postback url to communicate with the Wisej application. var serviceUrl = this.getPostbackUrl(); // get the master data grid data. var currentEmployeeData = options.data; // adds some text. $("<div>") .addClass("master-detail-caption") .text(currentEmployeeData.NAME+"'a Ait Talep Detay") .appendTo(container); // creates a new child data grid within the master widget's context. this[this.getId() + "_detail_" + options.rowIndex] = $("<div>") .dxDataGrid({ showBorders: true, onSelectionChanged: function(e) { gridState[options.key] = e.selectedRowKeys; me.fireWidgetEvent("Select", { secim: gridState[options.key] }); }, selectedRowKeys: gridState[options.key], selection: { mode: "multiple" }, columnAutoWidth: true, columns: [ "TD_IND", { dataField: "PRODUCT", caption: "PRODUCT" }, { dataField: "COUNT", caption: "COUNT" } ], dataSource: serviceUrl + "&action=getTasks&IND=" + options.key.IND }).appendTo(container).data("dxDataGrid");
Hi Onur,
Without a runnable sample, the general process is to attach to the event on the client and use one of the below methods to communicate data back to the server.
You can find information and examples for sending data back to the server from the client here:
If you need additional help, we offer several training packages to get you started: https://wisej.com/services-packages/.
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