Offline problem with healthcheck.wx



we use Azure AD in our app. Timeout of the app is unlimited. After amount of time without activity a button Offline will appear and we have to clean cookies to make app works again. When we look into Developer tools, we see healthcheck.wx has a lot  of cookies, which accumulates after each healthcheck.wx request. Is it a problem with Azure AD or bug with healthcheck.wx?

Thank you for your help,



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Requests to heathcheck.wx start only after the server is disconnected.

The reason why your azure instance crashes or disconnects is most likely not cause by Wisej. I have several azure instances running without any issue and without any cookie.

None of the cookies you see are added by Wisej since wisej doesn’t use cookies. And healthcheck.wx is an empty response that is used only to inform the client that the connection is back.

The ARR cookies you see are added by IIS ARR balancer. The other cookies seem to be added bu azure on every single request of any kind while also blocking the request.

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