I have created my first hello world project and deployed the same with IIS 7.
While loading on Internet Explorer, it showing “Object doesn’t support property or method ‘addEventListener'” in showLoader function of wisej.wx
I have using Wisej-1.4.32 framework. i have copied error below.
function showLoader(options) {
if (!doc.body) {
window.addEventListener(“load”, function () {
if (options.showLoader === false)
var loader = options.loader || “loader.gif”;
var el = doc.createElement(“div”);
el.innerHTML =
“<div id=\”wisej.loader\” ” +
“style='” +
“background-image:url(resource.wx/” + loader +”);” +
“position:fixed; top:0px; left: 0px; width:100%; height:100%;z-index:99999;” +
“background-color:none;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center center’></div>”;
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
P Vishal
You can also add this to <head> in your Default.html:
<meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=11″ />
Hi Vishal,
you need to remove the site you´re running Wisej from the list of sites for Compatibility Mode. See your screenshot:
Best regards
Dear Frank,
What are minimum settings required in IE settings which i should have to check.
Thanks in advance.
P Vishal
Hi Vishal,
there is no limit in functionality for the trial version.
From your description I assume that your IE is running in compatibility mode for specific domain(s).
Try to check your IE settings, this should resolve the problem.
Best regards
Dear Frank,
One thing i have to mention that, i am using trial version.
Is there any licensing issue..?, coz, <add key=”Wisej.LicenseKey” value=””/>
Please help.
Thanking you,
P Vishal
Dear Frank,
One thing i observed that, if i use Local Internet Explorer of IIS where application service is deployed then it is working, but when i used to access the same service within network then it throws the “Object doesn’t support property or method ‘addEventListener’” error.
One more thing i have to mention that, the same service is working with Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome etc.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
P Vishal
IE11 supports addEventListener. Only IE <9 doesn’t. You either have IE11 in compatibility mode to act like IE8 or it’s in a child control which usually reverts to IE7. Wisej supports IE10 and up.
Hi Vishal,
thanks for your message. What version of Internet Explorer are you using that is raising that error ?
Best regards
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