Forgot to add that now the DGV can only select rows. The SelectionChanged event fires when the selected rows, and later when supported the selected cells and columns, change.
When the current cell changes it fires CurrentCellChanged. The sequence is:
Hi Luca, Frank
Sorry. Didn’t change my code from CurrentCell to CurrentRow. It’s now working.
CurrentCell is null when clicking on the row header – do you also get CurrentRow null?
Hi Frank,
Sorry but I am getting the same error. Please see attached image.
I forgot to mention that pressing left and right arrow keys or mouse-click to navigate to cells on the same row doesn’t fire the SelectionChanged event. It fires with up and down arrow keys of mouse-click on a different row.
Hi Cris,
WJ-7629 is fixed in the latest build (1.2.66).
Best regards
Hi Luca,
Exactly. So that if I test SelectedRows before deleting a row, the test always fails. An option is to click any cell in the same row to delete which doesn’t make sense to me.
Hi Cris,
The behavior of the DGV when clicking on the row header is slightly different than WinForms. Wisej supports clearing the current cell while WinForms always selects the first visible cell unless cleared by code setting it to -1. In this case the bug is that SelectedRow also returns null while it should be the current row.
It’s WJ-7629.