it would be nice if it would be possible to have a Nullable ComboBox. Maybe enabled by a Property. If you set a DataSource it will automatically add a null option in the DropDown. As an additional property a NullValueText would be nice so we show different text like “”, “(none)” or “(empty)”.
best regards
The data binder position is in sync with the SelectedIndex unless it’s -1. We can’t add an item 0 and make it act as -1, it would create too may potential problems.
You can also add a tool button to the ComboBox to set it to “null”, SelectedIndex = -1. See screenshot attached. Most controls in Wisej have the Tools property.
The Watermark text is shown when nothing is selected when the combo is editable.
Thank you for your reply.
With this solution it is not possible for the user to select null in the dropdown or am I missing something?
When the ComboBox is DataBound you can set SelectedIndex to -1, make sure that the combobox1.FormattingEnable property is true.
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