.net6 outofprocess deployment and Themes



I’m trying the .net6 outofprocess deployment, i.e. running the .exe application. Following the documentation, I published the application to a folder and copied the contents to another folder under inetpub oo my production server, created a new application pool (in the documentation says App Domain, I suppose you meant Application Pool) with “No Managed Code” and “Integrated”, created a new application and pointed it to the folder under inetpub. It run Ok. Then I realised that my theme-mixing was missing, and indeed, the Themes folder was missing, so I copied it by hand. After that, the application does not run anymore. It stays at the loader turning. If I remove the Themes folder and refresh, it gets even worse, a “broken image” in the middle of the screen, where the loader should be. I need to recycle the application pool and reopen the browser to see the application again in its original state, without my mixing.

Am I missing something?

Best regards,

PS. This kind of publishing does not produce a bin folder, the exe is parallel to the web.config. So, I had to change the web.config to point to the correct exe. In the documentation it has a mix of “inprocess” with “bin\Debug\net6.0\blah.exe”

Uncomment the aspNetCore section below to deploy to IIS when using .NET Core.
<aspNetCore stdoutLogEnabled=false hostingModel=InProcess processPath=bin\Debug\net6.0\WisejWebPageApplication1.exe arguments=“” />
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Hi Alex,

We’re currently investigating and trying to reproduce the issue, we’ll get back to you ASAP!

To fix the “OutOfProcess” issue, you can check out Microsoft Docs for more info!


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Hi Alex,

Please see the following video for a demo of deploying an In-Process and Out-of-Process Wisej.NET 3 (.NET 6) app to IIS:


You’ll need to have the .NET 6 Windows Hosting Bundle Installed:




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