Hi Alex,
That was a problem with the active color in Classic-2.
All system labels in Wisej are always localized in all languages. Wisej selects the localization for each client in this order:
– the language forced in the url by adding ?lang=el (i.e. for Greek)
– the language forced in the applications json file https://docs.wisej.com/docs/concepts/configuration (see the culture setting)
– last, the preferred language reported by the client’s browser.
We are going to publish soon an integrated extension control using the full calendar library: http://fullcalendar.io/. It works with Wisej’s data store (similar to the data grid) requesting only the visible pages and supporting a large number of records. The control itself supports dragging, extending, full day, custom rendering, colors, etc. It’s extremely flexible and perfectly integrated with Wisej’s object model.
Great! Thank you, Luca!