Hi guys,
Having seen Mark Reed’s beatiful application, which uses Material theme, I was wondering what would be the best way to implement floating labels on form fields. I.e. labels that are like placeholders in the empty, e.g., textbox and when it gets focus or is filled the label moves over the textbox (animation?). And additionally, may be validation information showing as a label under the textbox if the input is not valid.
All this would be better implemented at a base control level so that it applies to all inheriting controls.
Any ideas?
Best, Alex
Hi Luca,
Any progress on this? Seems it still no ways to make it works, or is there any way to update the theme from bootstrap 4 to bootstrap 5 as default theme in our project?
Hi Luca,
Any progress on this? Seems it still no ways to make it works, or is there any way to update the theme from bootstrap 4 to bootstrap 5 as default theme in our project?
Hi Luca,
Any progress on this? I.e. creation of a “CaptionedTextBox” inheriting from TextBox (or more generally from Control??) and having the additional two controls (label and subtitle) attached to /bundled with it? I can’t see any easy way to do it, but you know better!!
Hi Luca,
Yes, this is exactly what i meant, i thought about the 3 control combination myself, but i’d like the combination to behave like the field control, e.g. like the textbox. In fact, if possible, inheriting from the textbox so it is bindable etc.
Do you think the animation part will be heavy for many such controls on a form?
Best, Alex
Something like the field in the middle here? http://rosskevin.github.io/bootstrap-material-design/material-design/labels/
It has to be built. It’s essentially 3 controls: the label, the subtext and the field. Wisej already has the placeholder, but the placeholder that moves up is not a placeholder, it’s a label on top of the field.
I can see for fun if it’s feasible to create a container that takes a label, a subtitle and any edit control and wraps the control into something similar to the link above.
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