Firstly, thanks for getting the listview to work! Yah.
I see that the listviewItem has a property to AllowHtml which I assume means you can put some Html fragments in the text.
With that in mind, it would be ideal if we can somehow get the row to size a bit better, even if we have to adjust it in the code.
Here is a quick test of code loading into a listvie
var MyArray = Enum.GetValues(typeof(KnownColor));
foreach(KnownColor oKC in MyArray )
ListViewItem oItem = new ListViewItem(“this is a long <br> block of <b>Html</b> text”);
oItem.AllowHtml = true;
oItem.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromKnownColor(oKC);
Thanks in advance
Hi Mitch,
the bug Luca mentioned in his comment is logged as WJ-7941 and fixed in dev build 1.3.24.
Best regards
Hi Mitch,
I have added an enhancement to add a property ListViewItem.RowHeight. Currently you can set the row height of individual rows only with the DataGridView control. But since the ListView control in Details view uses the DataGridView widget it should be no problem to add the RowHeight property.
You can also change the default row height for the ListView in the theme.
We also still have to complete the auto resizing implementation.
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